Any Tuesday will do!

Legislative Action Fund (LAF)
CSEA advocates for the rights of both Enrolled Agents and taxpayers before all state and legislative and regulatory agencies year-round. While our continual advocacy efforts are aimed at legislation and regulation that protect the rights of EAs to practice in California, we also advocate for efficient and effective tax administration.
The Legislative Action Fund (LAF) was formed in 1985 to battle against legislative actions which might inhibit the rights of Enrolled Agents to practice their proven skills. Since then it has grown to include proactive efforts to promote legislation in support of the interests of EAs and their clients. Contributions to the LAF provide much-needed financial support for these efforts.
Charitable giving is often a major component in estate planning. Legacy giving allows you to direct and control those gifts. LAF is accepting legacy giving and has put together useful information for those interested.
ve to LAF
Your Legislative Affairs Committee sponsors the L

ve to LAF friendly competition between Chapters and Members for donations to support ongoing legislative activities. Below are two videos that explain LAF and this annual competition. In the first video below (left), Jennifer Tannehill, CSEA's Legislative Advocate, explains the important legislative and regulatory victories that were made possible by our Members’ contributions to the LAF. In the second video (right), Joyce Cheng, EA, explains the L

ve to LAF details, and how YOU can get involved. Chapters and Individuals are encouraged to continue to support the LAF on a regular basis. The campaign runs from June 1st through May 31st of each governance year. Mid year statistics will be revealed at the January board meeting with the final announcement of the annual winners/honorees will be made at Super Seminar in Reno, NV in June, 2025!
2024 Winners:
Chapter Challenge:
Large Chapter: Orange County
Medium Chapter: Los Angeles
Small Chapter: Far Northern
Individual Winners:
First place: Connie Ferrell
Second Place: Wade Bogren
Third Place: Bruce Miller